Is there foul play in A. Gnanapragasam’s death or, for that matter, the post mortem?

We all feel there is and will believe this is another cover-up but what is more intriguing and interesting is how the police decided to use Dr Prashant S. Ambekar to conduct the post mortem.

By R. Shan (Human Being)

Now that is food for thought. Would you actually believe everything is true in the post-mortem report when it was done by Dr Ambekar? That is one tough question, don't you think so?

The wife saw the husband on Friday, June 12, 2009 with bruised eyes. The deceased complained to the magistrate on the beating and torture by the police, yet the magistrate never summoned the police to conduct a medical test on him.

Then, on June 15, 2009 he is found dead in the toilet in the police station. When the wife and sympathizers visited his body at the mortuary, no cellphones and cameras were allowed.

On June 16, 2009, Bernama reports that Selangor police chief Khalid Abu Bakar said Monday night the cause of Gnanapragasam’s death was "toxaemia secondary to spontaneous peritonitis" or blood poisoning due to a bacteria infection in the intestines. He said the autopsy at Universiti Malaya Medical Centre (UMCC) at noon yesterday was done by pathologist Dr Prashant Ambekar. Meanwhile, Petaling Jaya police chief ACP Arjunaidi Mohammed said the autopsy did not trace any bruises or injuries on the body.

Relating back to Kugan’s case, the same Dr Ambekar had disputed the findings of the Selayang fellow. And Health Ministry Director-General Dr Mohd Ismail Merican implied that Dr Prashant S. Ambekar's relative lack of experience had contributed to mistakes in his postmortem findings.

Doesn’t this sound all too fishy that the same doctor is now on top of the chart for the police to conduct the post-mortem for a murder of a Malaysian Indian in custody. After all, Dr Ambekar became famous for his findings in Kugan’s murder. Can anyone question him here on the findings of A. Gnanapragasam? Are we witnessing another conspiracy cover-up or is it a figment of my imagination? 

I imagine the police is using the very same doctor who had captured the confidence of the people in Kugan’s case. Could he have been coerced by the might of the government to state otherwise? Your guess is as good as mine.

I don’t mean to insinuate anything here but I think you get the jist that the government along with the mighty police force is actually getting smarter in their attempts to hoodwink the public in their so-called governance without any impartiality.

For you and I, another episode in Bolehland Malaysia. But more so for a Malaysian Indian family, it is just another sad tragedy that never will see the light of justice in the pretext of all is fair and equal in a pseudo 1Malaysia.
