Media Statement & Motion by YB Dato’ Ngeh Koo Ham

Due to failure of BN Government to take action against the police for breaching the law, a motion will be moved in Parliament to remove the Inspector General of Police

I am totally disgusted and disappointed that the BN Government especially the Home Minister, Dato’ Seri Hishamuddin Tun Hussein Onn has failed to take any action against the police for numerous offences they have committed against the law during this period of Perak political crisis.

The Home Minister has said that no person is above the law including himself. The people expect the rule of law be observed in this nation. The public is expected to observe the law, all the more they also expect the police who are enforcer of the law to do so. Unless action be taken against the police for breaching the law, the respect for the police institution will deteriorate.

Due to the failure of the BN Government especially the Home Minister to take action against the police I will be moving a motion in this coming Parliament Session which commences on 15/6/2009 to remove the Inspector General of Police, Tan Sri Musa Hassan. In the said motion I have enumerated more that a dozen offences committed by the police and yet no action has been taken against them. A copy of the motion is attached herewith.

For the sake of restoring confidence of the public in the police force and the rule of law, I call on all members of parliament irrespective of their political affiliation to support the said motion. All members of parliament have taken an oath of office to uphold and defend the Federal Constitution. As the fundamental liberties guaranteed under the Federal Constitution have been violated by the police, all members of parliament are duty bound to support this motion otherwise they have themselves violated their oath of office.

Dated this 12th day of June 2009.

