Zaid Ibrahim joins PKR!

(Suara Keadilan) – After months of keeping the nation in suspense, former law minister Zaid Ibrahim has decided to join Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim’s PKR party.

“I’m confident in the party’s cause. I believe I have an opportunity to assist Anwar and PKR,” said Zaid.

“I am ready to help Pakatan become an alternative and viable government that the people can rely on.”

The announcement was made during a press conference at a PKR special congress called to push through iconic reforms aimed at taking the party to the forefront of the political league and helping it to achieve national power together with its coalition allies DAP and PAS.

According to Anwar, Zaid’s entry will be a big boost for the party because “he is known for his bravery in defending human rights and the independence of the judiciary”.

The well-respected lawyer is expected to be made a member of the party’s powerful supreme council and its political bureau.

Zaid had resigned from the cabinet in 2008 to protest the use of the Internal Security Act to arrest three civilians – DAP MP for Seputeh Teresa Kok, blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin, and journalist Tan Hoon Cheng.

Three months later, he was sacked from Umno for ostensibly attending functions held by the PKR and DAP.
