Anwar to map out PKR’s strategy for the future

(Suara Keadilan) – En-route to a historic special congress, where delegates are set to approve a raft of reforms aimed at taking their party to the political forefront, PKR advisor and Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim will map out strategy for the future at a dinner and pre-congress discussion tonight.

Said information chief Latheefa Koya: “PKR members have expressed their excitement and are looking forward to the congress to debate and discuss the motion that will be tendered by the supreme council tomorrow.

“It is a historic process and the first of its kind where a political party will give the power of direct elections to its members.”


Between 1,500 to 2,000 delegates are expected to throng the Selangor International Islamic University College or KUIS in Kajang on Saturday. The meeting will begin at 9am and end at 6pm.

The party also is set to reform key aspects of its constitution to include progressive structures – such as 30 percent quota for women, capping the age of Youth members to international standards of 35 years and also limiting the terms of the President’s office.

“It is good to see the party practising what it preaches which is justice and democracy,” said N Gobalakrishnan, Padang Serai MP and supreme council member. “We hope the other parties will also follow because this will improve transparency and will benefit the nation as a whole.”

“The energy level is quite fantastic. Everyone is motivated and thrilled by the changes proposed. We are looking forward to a very productive meeting tomorrow where the delegates will give their feedback on what is needed to keep Pakatan at the forefront,” said Tian Chua, PKR strategic affairs director.
