Our Education Minister, Mr. Jack Schitt

He was surprised? Damn! I am surprised that he is surprised! Dude, you are the pharking Education Minister. How can you not know?

By Simon Templar – Salt, Pepper ANd a little Kicap (SPAnK)

I was reading The Star yesterday (yes, I am a sinner) to find fault with the newspaper (God, please have mercy on my soul for I sacrifice my leisure time for the good of men). And there, staring right under my frigging nose was:

DPM: English not a 'must pass' for SPM?

Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin is surprised to learn that English is not a “must pass” subject for SPM and wants public feedback on the matter.

The Education Minister said it was a revelation to him as he had always thought that it was a prerequisite since students had to learn English in school.

He was also shocked to learn that national schools no longer taught English grammar.

He was surprised? Damn! I am surprised that he is surprised! Dude, you are the pharking Education Minister. How can you not know? What have you been doing since you took office? Have you been too busy with UMNO? Honestly, and let God be your witness, can you cope with your work? If you really find juggling between UMNO and your Ministerial duties too much to handle, why don't you give one up? Or both actually. And what about your constituency? Have you been serving your people? Maybe you should give it all up.

Come on. How can the Education Minister not know something as important as what is required to be passed in the SPM? Is the SPM not the single most important qualification in the education life of most Malaysians? (Hey you university graduates, not everyone has the luxury alright. We are talking about the average Malaysians here.) If you or me do not know the minimum requirements of SPM today, that's fine cause we are no longer in school. And maybe no kids in schools too. But not our Education Minister. It is his pharking job! And English in schools being the hottest education talk of the town now. Hello… Where have you been, Mr. Minister? And you have the balls to go around telling people to debate on if Maths and Science should be taught in English? English as a subject pun tak boleh settle!

Read more at: http://saltpepperandalittlekicap.blogspot.com/2009/06/our-education-minister-mr-jack-schitt.html
