SIS says PAS ‘ban’ move anti-democratic

(The Malaysian Insider) – Sisters in Islam (SIS) today urged PAS to retract its motion calling for a ban on the group, saying the Islamist party’s move was retrogressive and anti-democratic.

SIS senior manager Maria Chin Abdullah said the PAS resolution underlined the party’s intolerance and prejudice against the non-governmental organisation, noting it was not even debated in its assembly that ended today.

“It contravenes the guarantee of rights to freedom of expression under the Malaysian Federal Constitution,” Maria said in a statement here.

“This demonstrates the arrogance and undemocratic practices of PAS and that it had forgotten that the key reason why they were voted in at the March 8 General Elections,” she said.

Maria pointed out that people voted against discrimination, undemocratic practices, non-participation but now PAS’ actions have turned the table against the peoples’ wishes.

“It also showed up PAS’ intolerance for diverse opinions and views and its action is typical of  a totalitarian mindset that brooks no dissent, different views, debate, or dialogue” she added.

Maria reiterated that SIS’ work for the past 20 years is based on a belief that Islam is a religion that promotes justice and egalitarianism for all humankind.

The 55th PAS muktamar today passed a resolution asking the National Fatwa Council to ban SIS and conduct a study over its approach to reclaim the rights of Muslim women, which PAS claimed was confusing Islamic society and also infiltrating the minds of Muslims and which may destroy the Islamic faith, especially among the younger generation.
