Swifter to remove Nizar by a vote in assembly

PAKATAN Rakyat has finally accepted the harsh reality that having Datuk Seri Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin endorsed by the courts as the rightful menteri besar would not enable it to regain control of Perak.

By M. Husairy Othman


With Barisan Nasional having the support of the three independent assemblymen, it will only be a matter of time before Nizar is removed by a vote of no-confidence.

Even former menteri besar Datuk Seri Tajol Rosli Ghazali hinted strongly of this during Tuesday's press conference, minutes after a stay of execution to the High Court decision reinstating Nizar was granted.

"They will know (their fate) next week," the reserved ex-Perak BN chairman said in an unusual burst of fighting talk.

About the perception of BN's weakness, he said the coalition knew what it was doing but would not disclose its strategy to the enemy.

However, his successor, Datuk Seri Dr Zambry Abdul Kadir, was coy when asked whether an emergency sitting was the BN's next move.

"We will study the grounds of judgment first before deciding on the next course of action," he said.

Aware that BN would win a no-confidence motion against Nizar, Perak DAP chief Datuk Ngeh Koo Ham was the first to dismiss the possibility, saying that only the speaker, menteri besar or sultan could initiate a sitting of the assembly.

The former senior executive council member argued that the May 7 sitting was invalid and thus the speaker was still the DAP's V. Sivakumar.

Other Pakatan leaders, however, did not find his arguments convincing.

They have indicated a willingness to cooperate with the BN in finding ways to resolve the political impasse.

Political observers are of the opinion that Pakatan is fast running out of options.

"If they have the upper hand, do you honestly think that they will offer an olive branch to BN?

"By asking BN to agree to dissolve the state assembly and hold fresh elections, Pakatan knows full well what lies ahead (should an emergency sitting be held)," said one.

Another said that he would not be surprised if BN decided to avoid elections at all costs.

"The sentiment on the ground due to the hatred sowed by Pakatan against the coalition does not augur well for BN.

"It is only natural to try to cling on for political survival and carry out damage control in the next three years or so," he said.

While Pakatan claims to have full support of the rakyat, it has defined the popular will to its advantage.

There will be crowds at their ceramah, ranging from the hundreds to several thousands, but do they actually represent the rakyat?

With the prospect of having to wait for months before the legal contests in BN's takeover of the state are finally decided, it will be swifter to remove Nizar via a vote of no confidence.
