Najib: We are ready for polls

(NST) BN offers discussions with Pakatan Rakyat on Perak crisis but is ready to face state elections if called. PM Datuk Seri Najib Razak says it depends on what the sultan of Perak decides.

PUTRAJAYA: Barisan Nasional is ever ready to face the people in the event fresh state elections are called in Perak, Datuk Seri Najib Razak said.

The BN chairman and Umno president said the ruling coalition was not afraid as "we have to face the rakyat and we will face them whenever the time comes".

Calling for state elections, he said, was one of the options under the Constitution.

"It is up to the sultan (of Perak). So, it is not something that has to happen, but something which depends on the ruler."

Earlier, Najib, who is prime minister, addressed about 5,000 government servants at the Public Sector Workers Day event at the Putrajaya International Convention Centre.

Several quarters, including Gerakan, had urged Perak Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Dr Zambry Abdul Kadir to immediately request for a dissolution of the state assembly.

Najib was also asked if he was receptive to the idea of a dialogue with the opposition coalition, Pakatan Rakyat, on the Perak crisis.

"As I have said earlier, it depends. In the first place, there must be mutual respect for one another. Then, we have to follow the rules and regulations, even if it is inside or outside the state assembly, and thirdly, there should be no preconditions.

"It must be open to explore any possibilities."

On Pas spiritual leader Datuk Seri Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat's rejection of a unity government between Umno and Pas, Najib said the question did not arise.

"We have not come up with anything. So, the question of it being turned down does not arise. There have been no proposals. What is there to reject?"

Replying to a question on the date of a BN convention, he said: "What is important is the outcome of the convention.

"We need to iron out some matters first as I do not want the convention to be held but the inputs and outcome are not there."
