Ugly situation gets uglier

Public opinion on the Perak crisis has grown even more emotional and irreversible after the commotion that dominated the State Legislative Assembly sitting.

Datuk Dr Mah Hang Soon has seen his share of human drama in his work as one of Perak’s top cardiologists but nothing could have prepared him for the political drama in the Perak Legislative Assembly.

The Barisan Nasional assemblyman from Chenderiang was rather understated about the experience, describing it as “an eye-opener”. But he admitted he was taken aback to see the other side of Simpang Pulai assemblyman Chan Ming Kai.

Although on opposite sides of the political fence, Dr Mah and Chan get along well and Dr Mah was stunned to see the aggressive side of his normally easy-going friend.

Chan, together with Thomas Su (Pasir Pinji) and Chang Lih Kang (Teja), were among the most intimidating that day, pulling at the microphones, pushing at people and heckling those who tried to speak.

At the end of it, Chan went over to Dr Mah to “congratulate the Barisan” for pulling it off. Dr Mah was not immune to the sarcasm, of course, but he merely asked Chan: “What happened, brother? I’m surprised at what you did.”

It was a day of utterly stunning behaviour and politics, and both sides contributed to the fiasco in their own way.

As far as Dr Mah was concerned, the Barisan had acted within its right as the party with the majority.

But, said another Perak cardiologist-turned-politician Dr Lee Boon Chye, might is not always right.

Dr Lee, who is PKR vice-president and Gopeng MP, had been seated in the gallery, looking grim and watching the free-for-all in the House.

