Nothing but chaotic squabble was put on shows both inside and outside the state secretariat hall on May 7.


Once again, the lovely Bolehland was in the world spotlight because of the power grab fiasco directed by the disgraceful BN government in one of the largest state of the nation. 

Nothing but chaotic squabble was put on shows both inside and outside the state secretariat hall on May 7. Outside the secretariat hall, ordinary citizens were ridiculously arrested for wearing black shirts to cry for the death of democracy and judicial justice in the country; inside the secretariat hall, a bunch of citizens-elect state assembly persons physically attacked each other – a true exposure of dirty human nature! 

How could a representative ridicule another representative by waving a RM50 on her face and shouting to her “Go and die”? How could a representative spray pepper to another representative? How could an assembly speaker be forcefully dragged out by some unknown personnel? 

Shame on both coalitions – BN and PR! Couldn’t everything be handled in a more professional manner? No matter how frustrated the PR’s representatives were, their reactions just exposed their immaturity in counteracting the dirty actions from the unremorseful BN! 

My voice as an ordinary Malaysian, I have seen enough of the barbaric style meeting on a parliamentary level. Unfortunately a similar version of the meeting unfolded on a state level. I just feel ashamed of the behaviors of these Malaysians’ representatives. 

Could you all, the elected ones from both coalitions, be more professional the next time in the meetings? Continuous lashings especially personal attacks during the meetings would just further jeopardize the already ruined image of Malaysia. Most importantly, these actions just would not lead the meetings anywhere! 

Talking of BN’s unlawful power grab, remember that sometimes ago, their representatives went all the way to UK to consult the Queen’s Counsel for the legitimacy of the power grab, however no further storming news was followed. Perhaps the Queen’s Counsel’s professional insights also aligned with the notion of the PR that the power grab was unconstitutional and the rights to elect the state government should be returned to the state’s citizens, meaning the state assembly should be dissolved and a fresh election should be held. 

When dragged out by some unknown personnel, Perak’s state speaker Sivakumar shouted "I am the legal personnel. Why am I being treated like this?" 

Though not a Perakian, my reaction of this political dilemma is: 

"The Perakians are legal voters. Why are they being treated like this? Why can’t they express their unhappiness by wearing black? In what way wearing black could be seditious to the nation? How could an unconstitutional power grab continue to prevail in this country? Where is the Law? Where is the democracy? When is the civil rights granted by the Constitution? Where is the human rights granted by the United Nations? 

Apparently, the BN needs another strong lesson again in the coming Penanti by-election. They better behave or else they will never be able to climb out from the already deep enough black hole they are in today.
