Was it worth it?

I shall not go over the detailed events and breachs again since its well known and have been commented on many times. What I am concerned about is the intentions of Barisan Nasional (BN) and Najib Razak.

From Rebung

As a concerned citizen I am absolutely appaled and alarmed about the news coming out from Perak.
I shall not go over the detailed events and breachs again since its well known and have been commented on many times. What I am concerned about is the intentions of Barisan Nasional (BN) and Najib Razak. 
I am not sure of the aims and objectives of BN in this whole debacle. Was it worth it from BN's point of view? They are not particularly endearing themselves more to the people of Perak nor other citizens of Malaysia. Yes Najib, you have proven that you can gain something, regardless legit or otherwise, for UMNO. But what now? 
Najib, you have put me and millions others in a quandary. Public trust of BN and the institutions of the Malaysian government has suffered tremendously. People have felt deeply betrayed by the monarchy which is supposed to be our last refuge over tyranny.
The fact that this has been done by one of our more learned monarchs is particularly distressing. It has been shown that our courts can overextend its reach well beyond its jurisdiction. I won't even begin with the police. Their abuses are rather well known. 
I feel betrayed as a Malaysian taxpayer and citizen. My money and my institutions have been turned against me. What if I'm an investor? Malaysia's government debt is now more expensive to service than Thailand. Investors trust the Thai goverment (and people?) more than Malaysia. And we thought they had it bad!  My investment will not get a fair trial if I run into problems, I dont trust the police will respect my rights, and the government lacks legitimacy.
To the hundreds of thousands of BN supporters, let me ask you this. Was it worth it? I am perfectly tempted to join and support BN despite their excesses. It opens many doors to wealth and power. Put food in the alley and surely rats will come. I too want a slice of the pie.
But what if there are hundreds of thousands of others who want a slice as well? Who is left to make the cake? Who is left to look after the interests of the country? We all will go hungry. Sure, the prospects of being one of the few getting a large slice of the pie is alluring. But if you don't make it, and the chances are you won't considering thousands of other rats are in the race, you and I and your children and grandchildren will suffer.
Congratulations Najib, you win, Malaysia loses. Let me ask you this, now I don't trust you, now I can never respect you and your moral authority. What now Najib? You were never elected to be Prime Minister, you never won a General Election. You were not even elected within BN. Now this? What now, Najib? As a taxpayer paying your salary and your household expenses I demand an answer. What now, Najib?
Thank you Raja Petra for looking after Malaysia, even more than your own family. I felt genuine sorrow to the brink of tearfulness when you were last incarcerated and rest assured so did hundreds of thousands of others. You looked after us, I wish I can look after you. I wish we all can look after you. But for now I can only pray to God. I hope at least with that thought you will be strengthened further.   
