The Perak ‘May’hem – a simplistic view

Azhar Harun

Manchester United vs Barcelona.

The best proponents of the beautiful game in the UCL final. Just imagine. 65000 spectators. 22 players on the field. One football.

The atmosphere in Rome is electric. Banners and flags. Trumpets and drums. Riot police and pitch marshals. All the trappings of a top notch game are there. Barcelona starts. Scores 5 goals in 5 minutes. Manchester United are stunned. Barcelona wins. But the crowd was jeering. All 65000 of them. What is wrong? Where is the trophy?

Oh yes. They forget. The referee had not even blown the starting whistle yet. In fact, Barcelona simply changes the referee when the original referee is still in control of the match.

Surely, the above scenario must be a nightmare, right?

Okay. Let us all come back to reality. To the real world. You all know what I am talking about. Yes. It is about the mayhem in Perak yesterday.

