While black is the ‘in’ thing for the rakyat, HARAM is the ‘in’ thing for UMNO-BN
This is how I can sum it up now.
Malaysians are responding to the 1BLACKMalaysia campaign by painting the country black everywhere. This is to protest the demise of democracy in Perak state after the power grab staged by the current prime minister Najib Tun Razak.
At the other side, the UMNO-BN gang, at first they installed a HARAM (illegal) menteri besar called Zambry Abdul Kadir. And the HARAM menteri besar appointed a HARAM exco, hence a HARAM state government for Perak. And today, they turned the state assembly proceedings into a circus by appointing a HARAM speaker called Ganesan. There was not even a simple vote taking, because “we have the majority”, according to the HARAM menteri besar. Dear HARAM menteri besar, even if you have the majority, just take the vote as a simple procedure. And when the HARAM appointment was announced by Hee Yit Foong, the current speaker Sivakumar was still sitting at the seat of … the speaker!
Read more at: https://airkosong.com/_/2009/05/07/haram-for-umno-bn/