Change? No We Can’t If…

I can safely conclude that the majority of us who are active web users and blog readers wanted change. We are dissatisfied with our politicians, the way this country is being governed, our education system, our public institutions and the list goes on.

However, when comes to impacting real changes not many of us are willing to get our hands dirty. In fact, not many of us are willing agents of change. As a society, we are way too individualistic and selfish.

Look at the messages on my blog, most of them were posted by anonymous readers. Many of us are convenient armchair critics who are happy at making some noises and hurling some abuses or disgusting names. Granted, some of the replies were courteous, balanced and well argued.

By making this statement, it does not mean that I am insulting my readers. I just wanted to make a point that if we do not get serious with our contributions to the society then do not expect things are going to be very different.

