The virtuality and reality of Penanti

From the perspective of "realistic" politics, Penanti is not even fit for a by-election. It is a kind of handover ceremony in which a new face will be installed in PKR and Penang state government.

By TAY TIAN YAN/Translated by DOMINIC LOH/Sin Chew Daily

For the Penanti by-election, perhaps we should see it with an attitude of "never here before but then why the fuss?"

In a more straightforward language: if we treat it as non-existent, we will be spared of all the mess.

You may have heard this story a hundred times. But let me narrate it for the 101st time.

The Buddhist Zen master Huineng learned Buddhism under a senior Zen master when he was young. The senior master wanted to test his students' capacity of enlightenment, and instructed them to compose some religious poems.

Shenxiu, a star student, was the first to show off his work. He wrote: "The body is a Bodhi tree,
the mind a standing mirror bright. At all times polish it diligently, and let no dust alight."(身是菩提樹,心如明鏡臺;時時勤拂拭,莫使惹塵埃。)

The poem was neat and greeted with a thunderous applause from all.

Huineng, who was illiterate, thought otherwise. He put down his poem in black and white with the help from someone.

"Bodhi is no tree, nor is the mind a standing mirror bright. Since all is originally empty, where does the dust alight?"(菩提本無樹,明鏡亦非臺;本來無一物,何處惹塵埃。)

After reading his poem, the old master was puzzled, saying, "This is enlightenment!"

The realm of Shenxiu's poem was established upon "existence," which was not desired by Zen.

The realm of Huineng's poem was established upon "nothingness," which was the original intention of Zen.

Back to Penanti, Najib seems to have realised the reality.

That is not going to be his battlefied, and there is no point for him to get involved in the battle.

This is a kind of political "enlightenment." If it is not yours, don't force yourself into it. If you must throw yourself into the battle, then be prepared to get nothing in the end.

Having said that, there are many Shenxius by Najib's side. From the old Mahathir to the young Mukhriz, they are calling BN to fight the battle, even though they know they may not win.

This is a kind of "virtual" politics.

Najib's mission now is to push ahead his reform agendas, display his capability in running the country and win the hearts of the voters, instead of getting defeated in Penanti before his worth is even proven.

This is what we call "realistic" politics.

From the perspective of "realistic" politics, Penanti is not even fit for a by-election. It is a kind of handover ceremony in which a new face will be installed in PKR and Penang state government.

Mohd Fairus Khairuddin was incapable, and now Mansor Othman comes into play. This doctorate holder is no ordinary doctor, he is holding a political doctorate from Yale.

During those years, he gave up his rewarding teaching career in a university to join Anwar Ibrahim's reformasi movement. More than ten years on and he is still not going to give up his ideals.

Nevertheless, luck is not always on his side, and he lost in all the elections he took part in, including the last one in which he was jostled out with a razor-thin majority of over 200 votes.

Such a fighter should be given the opportunity. But if even he would fail, perhaps PKR should consider winding up.
