Perak: Zambry.. Man in a hurry.. pants on fire
I had wanted to comment about the Federal court decision days ago but had not much time to do it and had completely forgotten about it. Zambry had gone to Federal Court trying to get the Federal Court to reaffirm his appointment as the MB.
It was done after the Federal Court had ruled that Zambry 6 (like Ocean 11) suspension by the state speaker was not valid. Zambry was hoping that the Federal court would come to support him again.
2. Zambry must be one frustrated person when the Federal court ruled that the case must be heard at the High court and the court of Appeals, if necessary before the case is appear to the Federal court. I don’t know how many people actually realized what Zambry was trying to do.
3. He was actually trying to get the court to indirectly confirm that the Sultan has the powers to appoint him under the current circumstances. There is nothing wrong with Clauses 63, 16(2) and 16(6) of the Perak State Constitution. It is as clear as the sun and the moon. The powers of HRH are well defined. However this clause does not stand on its own. It has to be read together as part and parcel of other related clauses of the Perak Constitution.
4. Zambry was trying to hoodwink the general public. He thought if the Federal court had ruled that Sultan has acted within his powers of the three clauses, then no one should question the Zambry appointment. I would say it is a smart move indeed.