Mahathir the happiest man: Part 4

Since the resignation of Musa, Mahathir was pairing fairly well with Ghaffar. Ghaffar was 3 month older than Mahathir and he (Mahathir) didn’t feel the threat as Ghaffar was lacking in many disciplines but he was unmatched when come to doing reconciliatory job with the component parties of Barisan Nasional.

Ghaffar had been the Secretary-General to BN for decades and he could handled the coalition very well as he was highly regarded by all component parties in BN.

Ghaffar may not be the best material for the Premiership, but he was the best person to be the deputy to Mahathir as he had the wisdom from his decades in politics and had gone through all the mills of politics.

I met Ghaffar at his office at Kompleks Kewangan in Wisma Batik when Kak Siti, his secretary gave me the appointment in the morning, days before he was announced as the Deputy Prime Minister.

I went to pay my tribute him as I was working for quite while in Kompleks Kewangan in which Ghaffar was the Chairman.

I don’t intend to tell or to write what we talked about, but I was wondering who made the promise to him that Mahathir would resign in 1989 and wanting to give a former ordinary teacher (Ghaffar) to be the PM of Malaysia.

