Zaid: I will debate Rais on any subject, anytime and anywhere
Former de facto Law Minister Datuk Zaid Ibrahim has picked up the gauntlet thrown down by Datuk Seri Rais Yatim today and says that he is ready to debate the new Minister of Information, Communication and Culture.
The maverick politician's only conditions are that Rais has to specify exactly what he wants to debate and that it has to be televised.
"Yes, I will debate Rais on any subject he wants, anytime and anywhere," Zaid told The Malaysian Insider.
"But RTM must show it otherwise it is a waste of time."
Bernama today reported that Rais challenged Zaid to a public debate over his allegations against Najib, as the former minister has been often quoted in the foreign media.
Rais also accused the foreign media of trying to topple prime minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak.
"However, we must study (the situation) and if I have the chance, I want to have a debate with those trying to implicate our leader with unbecoming and nonsensical words," Rais said.
The veteran minister has been reported as blaming the media for various troubles that plague Umno and the Barisan Nasional ever since he was appointed to his current portfolio earlier this month.
Zaid quit the government and Umno last year over disagreements on political reforms. He remains an independent politician but is expected to join an opposition party.