Why should we pay income tax to BN?
Even if this group paid their taxes, it is only akin to paying protection money to some parasitic thugs.
By Hafiz Noor Shams (The Malaysian Insider)
APRIL 20 – Why do some people refuse to pay income taxes?
Perhaps the word “some” understates the gravity of the matter. The Ministry of Finance just recently shared that out of approximately two million Malaysians with taxable income, only just over about half of them paid their due last year.
This has prompted the Internal Revenue Board to hunt down those who have not paid their income taxes.
It is likely that a majority of them do not actually explicitly refuse to pay their taxes. It could be a simple oversight, for instance.
Indeed, there are multiple possible reasons contributing to non-payment but I am only interested in those who actually explicitly refuse to pay income taxes.
It is so because this question is crucial in understanding how much trust citizens have in the State, the direct benefactor of such taxes.
Before we explore the original question together further, especially from classical liberal perspective, it is imperative to understand the reasons for taxation.
There are multiple reasons why taxes are imposed on citizens and foreigners alike. From a classical liberal perspective, there is no doubt that the biggest reason of all is to support the State for rendering services which in effect protect citizens and those within the jurisdiction of the State alike. That protection, at a minimum, means protection of individual rights.
If the State fails to do so, the obligation to pay taxes evaporates. In fact, failure on behalf of the State to protect these rights really eliminates a reason for such a State.
This calls for the creation of a new State capable of discharging its duties better, lest the dissolution of the previous incompetent or tyrannical State leads to an unstable state of anarchy.
This is part of a social contact between citizens and the State as embraced by classical liberals, henceforth libertarians.
Within Malaysian context, the State or the Barisan Nasional-led federal government in many cases has failed to protect various individual rights.
Worse, the State itself has in the past threatened and actually infringed on the rights of its citizens. These violations come in form of various restrictions to freedom.
To be fair, the current administration has so far refrained from doing so and seems to have given some commitment to continue the trend of restrain. How long that restrain will persist remains to be seen. We are after all still too early in the days of Najib administration to be confident of anything.
Notwithstanding the question of fairness, the Najib administration is still a BN-led government and the BN-led government has developed a bad reputation among various groups in Malaysia.
That bad reputation also affects in no little way classical liberals’ willingness to contribute to the State’s coffer. Why should libertarians contribute to the State which has the reputation of infringing on private citizens’ life? To contribute is idiotic and libertarians are not so idiotic.
The unwillingness of libertarians to pay taxes is enhanced further on the economic front. This tax money will in one way or another financed State’s enterprises which will inevitably compete against private enterprises. I will not pursue this point further in hope that I do not digress from the main point and that I do not complicate the flow of thought here unnecessarily. I believe a focus on civil liberty will be sufficient to demonstrate my point clearly.
Admittedly, there are not so many libertarians in Malaysia and, therefore, a libertarian explanation does not come even near in explaining why so many people refuse to pay their income taxes.
The more all-encompassing answer probably relates to the trust that citizens or, more specifically, individual taxpayers, have in the BN-led government.
Seen from this angle, the libertarian answer forms a subset to a larger explanation.
The trust is associated with the manner which BN-led government manages the tax money. Here, again, the reputation of the BN-led government does not shine.
Corruption is seen as rampamt. Observe the Auditor-General reports highlighting multiple suspicious dealings, which include screwdrivers bought for hundreds of ringgit. Has any action been taken to allay such suspicion? Have any culprits been taken to task?
The answer is a resounding no.
More recently, three prominent Umno members were convicted of corruption by their own political party. Surprisingly, some were still allowed to contest for party positions. One of them even went on to win an important party post, and another continues to be a Chief Minister.
If the party that leads the state government is seen as corrupted, there is no reason to expect that the state government is clean. The same logic goes for the federal government. Does this encourage trust?
The answer is yet again a resounding no.
And then there is the abuse of power, characterised by the slogan “Satu lagi projek Kerajaan Barisan Nasional” (Yet another project by Barisan Nasional government).
BN has no qualms about using state machineries for its benefits. They consider – without guilt – government machinery as their own private property.
There is a tendency among BN politicians to obfuscate the difference between the State or the government and the political party. This tendency can be seen during by-elections when the BN unabashedly spends millions of ringgit of public money as part of its campaigns, be it in the form of direct cash handouts or newly paved road.
During the last Umno General Assembly, a delegate made parallel the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission to a dog turning around to bite its master’s hand. That is a highly inappropriate statement and yet, it is hard to imagine if Umno members attending the assembly saw any problem with that statement.
The best example of obfuscation yet is the nature of Radio Televisyen Malaysia. Despite being a public institution, it is a mouthpiece of BN.
To understand further how badly the function of RTM has been abused by BN, a comparison with the National Public Radio in the United States of America and the British Broadcasting Corporation in the United Kingdom.
Both the NPR and the BBC are public institutions like RTM. Unlike RTM, however, both the NPR and the BBC serves public interest, not the interest of some political party. This can be proven by their independence and largely neutral reporting.
RTM, unfortunately, is just one of the many institutions which have been abused by BN. There are others like KEMAS, the police and the civil service, which have suffered the same fate.
Many times when I listen to employees of these institutions speak, I’d wonder if I were listening to the government or to BN.
So, given the corruption, the abuse of power and disrespect for individual rights, why should taxes be paid by many who are not aligned with the policy of BN?
When a group of people believes that the government does not belong to them and, instead, belongs to some other entity whom they do not identify with, the group of people will hold that they do not have a stake in the government or the State.
And, when they do not believe that they have a stake in the State, then they will have no moral obligation to support the State, i.e., pay taxes.
Even if this group paid their taxes, it is only akin to paying protection money to some parasitic thugs.
The antidote for this is simple: convince a majority of taxpayers that they do have a stake in the State. This can be done by making public institutions independent and free of political bias. Such a set-up works in the US and the UK and there is no reason for it not to work in Malaysia.
Trust me, income tax collection will go up by leaps and bounds if people feel they do have a stake in the State, more so if they actually feel proud of their State.
Hafiz Noor Shams still advocate for tax cuts at maddruid.com.