Malaysiakini lied again!
This is how Malaysia "premier "news portal Malaysiakini is not moving forward as it has lied again to the public when it published a report in the same manner as when it reported a "Najib Manifesto" which turned out to be a false.
The report on that co-called Najib Manifesto was designed to make Najib (mind you before he became the PM) to appear insensitive, arrogant and a man that should be rejected then by the people. Well, Malaysiakini apologised and the reporter has since resigned.
And today this pro-BABI, anti-Umno, anti-Malay, and a foreign-funded news portal yet reported another piece of sick invention, below is what Malaysiakini wrote, in which there was not one iota of truth in the report, and below I took the liberty of re-printing that damning report by Malaysiakini!
Words of warning though, those Malaysians with a lower than average IQ need not read and comment on this posting by Barkingmagpie content, because lower than average morons have no capability to discern what is the truth and wrong: