Utusan ruins Najib’s One Malaysia’s concept
How could the editor allow such kind of racist call to be published in a multiracial country? Would not the call ignite the racial sentiment of non-Malays and even among Malays? Who knows if the readers would not be emotionally fired and the consequence could not be another May 13 incident?
Once again, I was deeply disappointed of how arrogant the UMNO controlled Utusan Melayu is. This newspaper today’s headline news was an article entitled “Bangkitlah Melayu!”. The news called for cooperation among Malays to face the increasingly excessive demands from the non-Malays.
How could the editor allow such kind of racist call to be published in a multiracial country? Would not the call ignite the racial sentiment of non-Malays and even among Malays? Who knows if the readers would not be emotionally fired and the consequence could not be another May 13 incident?
What is the slogan of our new PM that has been so widely promoted through the mainstream media since his swearing in? Wasn’t such news of calling Malays to target non-Malays as enemies a blunt attempt to reverse the concept of “One Malaysia”, which aims to provide fair and equal policies for the nation? Unless what the PM really meant was “One Malaysia” under “One Race” or “One Man”?
Recently we have heard of so many two cents such as “Chinese appeared to be ungrateful”, “Chinese as squatters”, or even “UMNO alone gained independence for Malaysia”. All these are indeed racist enough that could potentially create hatred among the citizens. If another racial riot takes place, who should be responsible?
Read more at: http://merdekablog.com/2009/04/15/utusan-ruins-najib%E2%80%99s-one-malaysia%E2%80%99s-concept/#more-1074