Call to National Duty Louder than Call of the Ox

By Pat Lu, Co-Founder, Pahlawan Volunteers 
The 16th Anti-ISA Vigil held at MBPJ Civic Centre last Sunday happened to be Chinese New Year Eve. Come what may, all family members must be home for family reunion dinner on CNY Eve. Non-negotiable. Period.

My late-father also made it compulsory that we have family reunion dinner on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve too. So in the Lu Family, we have three compulsory family reunion dinners every year. In my younger days, it was such a chore and a pain to turn down party invitations on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve. Perhaps that’s Dad’s way of keeping us out of trouble. But that’s another story.

My mom surprisingly agreed to have our family reunion dinner brought forward to Saturday (a first in our family history) so that I can be at the vigil on time last Sunday. As such, I thought I would be the only Malaysian of Chinese origin present at the PJ Vigil last Sunday. Thought I would surprise everyone .…

However, I was the one taken by surprise. Floored to see other Malaysians of Chinese origin there – the diehard vigilers and some new faces too… they brought their family members along after an early family reunion dinner. Now, why didn’t I think of that! 😉

This is the SIXTEENTH consecutive Anti-ISA Vigil. DSAI and MB of Selangor lent their support to protest against Police Brutality, the ISA and Israeli aggression. Correct me if I’m wrong, I believe this is the longest peaceful vigil ever in the history of Malaysia. The vigil continued even on CNY Eve. Furthermore, PDRM came on two consecutive Sundays (at the 14th and 15th PJ Vigils) to illegally disperse the peaceful gathering. Yes, PDRM were the unlawful ones and acted above the law. The Anti-ISA Vigilers were on private property with the approval of the owners MBPJ and supported by Selangor State Government.

I felt a strong sense of hope and optimism by civil society's dedication and perseverance to effect change. Unrelenting civil disobedience, especially in a country of the meek, is a sign of change. Take heed.

May the spirit of the ox which represents perseverance, dedication and loyalty continue to rise up in all Malaysians. Mooooooooo! 😀

Also read:  
The Pro-Palestine / Anti-ISA vigil on 25/1/2009 by Haris Ibrahim 
Reunion Night For Anak Bangsa Malaysia: A Comeback With Style by The Whisperer

View collage and videos of the 16th Anti-ISA Vigil below. The crowd that night was a mix between those there for the Palestinian cause and the Anti-ISA diehards, but in the course of the vigil, the two merged. 


More photos at Pahlawan Volunteers Web Album

Watch the videos: A picture speaks a thousand words. Below are the videos where you can hear every word.

SNIPPET: The 16th Anti-ISA Vigil PJ & Malam Prihatin Palestin 


Watch the entire playlist – 17 videos inclusive of speeches by Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim and Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

JOIN THE CAUSE: Stop Fascism, Abolish ISA, Free All Detainees 

See you this Sunday, 8.00pm at MBPJ! 
PAT LU, Co-Founder,
Pahlawan Volunteers, a Malaysian Voluntary and Advocacy Group. 
Join Pahlawan Volunteers Group at Facebook
Anti-ISA PJ Vigils Video Archive
