Parents of SRJK (T) Ladang Valambarosa was shocked when the school headmaster revealed that he has no knowledge and where about RM1.8 million fund allocated by Federal Government.

He further informed parents during a briefing session that RM100,000 fund part of RM 1.8 million never reach the school as promised by certain quarters. Last year March 31, 2008 the Government announce RM1.8 million allocation for building a four storey building.

However, later the fund downside to RM100,000  while fate of balance allocation of RM 1.7 Million yet to be known.   We are eager to hear from government whether the fund fully be utilized or not. Manikavasagam whom was invited to the briefing says certainly I would like to get clarification from Dato’ Seri Hishammudin.  If yes, when ,for what purpose  and to whom it was paid. If not, why the government depriving the basis necessity of Malaysian.

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