There is no animosity between the Indians and the Malays

They kept telling me to thank all races as they seem to know that all races are helping the Indians in their struggle. They told me that they know that the Malays are supporting them and they were very grateful. The Chinese too.

Dear Pete,

Last night I went out. I parked my car somewhere in Subang Mentari to get a pack of cigs. As I was parking, I saw that two car lots were occupied by two groups of Indians.

I was apprehensive parking my car there actually. I got out of the car and heard one of them calling me …. 'brother' – I thought, damn shit, some were drinking openly, but I turned around and went to one of them. There were about 7 on one side and a little further – the next car lot, another five I think.

Thank goodness, one of them handed a pamphlet to me and I went on my way. At some distance, I read the contents but all of it was in Tamil and I couldn't read Tamil. There were five faces on the pamphlet.

I thought, why not, go back and ask them what it is all about. So I went to them and apologetically told them I was not well-versed in Tamil.

Then they opened up. To them I could have been a cop – but I don't think they cared. To me, they could have been semi value's thugs.

Then one guy told me that he has seen me but I guess he got me confused with another guy.

A couple of them who spoke English told me that they are HINDRAF supporters. The pamphlet says that there is a gathering in a temple somewhere in Desa Ria I think. There are five faces but all written in Tamil and I don't recognize any of them.

Then they told me everything. When I told them we, bloggers, are supporting HINDRAF and putting pressure on BN and its component – MIC and MCA – they knew about it and were very thankful to all bloggers.

I then said that some of my articles appeared on Petra's site. When I mentioned 'Petra' – immediately they knew the name and what you do. They were extremely thankful to you and told me to personally thank you for all you have done and to also thank all bloggers who put pressure on the present racist regime.

When I was sure of who they were, I told them HINDRAF should be called INDRAF and they agreed but told me to inform everyone why they called themselves HINDRAF – the main reason was because of Moorthy's case. They were angered by that case. That is basically why they called themselves HINDRAF.

They will take my suggestion to 'someone' and ask if they can change it to INDRAF.

They kept telling me to thank all races as they seem to know that all races are helping the Indians in their struggle. They told me that they know that the Malays are supporting them and they were very grateful. The Chinese too.

They detest semi value. They called him all kinds of names and equated him to the drain nearby.

Pete, these are 'heavyweights' in that area and are well-informed about the goings on in the political arena.

There is no animosity between the Indians and the Malays – the damn racist regime is dividing us all. That's what they believe. They are thankful to the Malays and are grateful to these Malays who sympathize with their cause.

They do not want the other races to think that they are a racist group – only for the Hindus – no- I gave you the reason why as told by them. They are actually representing ALL Indians, Muslim, Christian, Hindu and all other Indians – that's what they told me.

Sometimes when a person is sky high, the truth comes out – and it did – they hate the sight of that semi value and know that he has not helped the grassroot Indians. These are grassroot Indians that I spoke to.

Today at 5.30pm there is a speech by five Indians at a temple somewhere in Desa Ria if I am not mistaken. It's written in Tamil.

The important thing is, I would like all to know that they are grateful for all the help and consider Malays and Chinese as brothers. I was touched by that.

Pete sir, you are well-known by ALL. The only thing they didn't know is that your cousin is the Sultan of Selangor. When I mentioned Petra – they provided said, yes we know Raja Petra.
Your articles are getting to the grassroots now.

Only a matter of time when the grassroot Malays will receive your fight for JUSTICE for all.

Best wishes

