What can’t I be a Shia?

Okay, so that means Jews and Christians are deviant Muslims. And Shias, the Malays insist, are also deviant Muslims. But Shias must be punished while Muslims must respect the rights of Jews and Christians to believe whatever they want even if what they believe contradicts the Qur’an. Now please explain that one to me.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

My article “Why persecute Shias but not Christians?” (READ HERE) has stirred up quite a number of Zakir Naik wannabes. As I said in that article, do not learn Islam from Muslims (in this case meaning Malays, of course) but learn Islam from non-Muslims.

Yes, I have read books written (and listened to lectures recorded on video) by non-Muslim scholars who have looked at Islam objectively and with no blinkers (like those blinkers which the Malays wear) and they make a lot more sense than Muslims, or Malays.

For example, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, a Muslim who claims he is Malay, says the only reason Prophet Muhamad kept a beard is because back in those days (in the 600s) they did not have Gillette shaving blades. Hence there is no longer any reason for Muslims (Malays) to ape Prophet Muhammad (also called Sunnah) by also sporting beards since today they can buy Gillette shaving blades.

That is sort of true because Gillette was formed on 28th September 1901, around 1,300 years later. But then the annual Haj to Mekah was an old pagan ritual (long before the time of Muhammad) and during the Haj they shaved their heads. So, if they could shave their heads long before Muhammad was born, why could they not also shave their chins?

Gillette may not have existed until 1901, but shaving in Arabia had existed long before the year 600. So, the reason Muhammad and his followers sported beards was NOT because of the absence of shaving blades but for other reasons. And the reason is: since the kafir are clean-shaven, then Muslims must sport beards as a sort of ‘uniform’ to differentiate between Muslims and non-Muslims.

This sort of makes sense because back in those days they were in a constant state of war. And as the Americans would say: all Arabs look the same (which is why many Arabs in Libya, Syria, Yemen, Iraq, etc., are killed by ‘friendly fire’). So, when the Muslims sport beards and the kafir are clean-shaven, it makes it easier to know who to kill.

When you talk to Muslims (meaning Malays, of course) they will insist that Islam had always existed (which means since before Muhammad was born) and Prophets such as Abraham, Moses, etc., were actually Muslims.

The problem is, the Malays will argue, is that Abraham’s people deviated — so Moses was sent to bring them back to the right path. Then they deviated again — so Jesus was sent to bring them back to the right path. And then they deviated, yet again — so Muhammad was sent to bring them back to the right path.

Okay, so that means Jews and Christians are deviant Muslims. And Shias, the Malays insist, are also deviant Muslims. But Shias must be punished while Muslims must respect the rights of Jews and Christians to believe whatever they want even if what they believe contradicts the Qur’an.

Now please explain that one to me.

