Muslims wearing turbans are terrorists and extremists

Yes, you can say whatever you like about Islam, the Qur’an and the Sharia and mock and discriminate Muslims who keep beards and wear turbans. But God help you if you make fun of a Sikh’s turban.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

In France this is considered freedom of speech

Muslims who wear turbans are Mad Mullahs. They are terrorists and extremists and stuck in the middle ages.

It is compulsory that caricatures of Muslim terrorists be drawn with robes, turbans and beards.

A Muslim with a beard represents a person who is mentally unstable, and a Muslim with a beard AND turban represents a dangerous person.

You have more chance of being stopped by police or immigration officers if you are bearded and turbaned in Europe and the United States.

Make fun of a Muslim turban all you want but do not do the same to Sikhs

In London and other UK cities, more hate crimes have been committed against Muslims is Islamic attire than against Jews in skullcaps or Sikhs in turbans. (The hate crimes committed against Sikhs in turbans are those mistaken for Muslims).

Islam regards the Islamic Sharia laws as Qur’anic laws and hence compulsory upon all Muslims. DAP, however, opposes the Sharia and the late Karpal Singh insulted Islam by saying that PAS can implement the Sharia over his dead body.

Yes, you can say whatever you like about Islam, the Qur’an and the Sharia and mock and discriminate Muslims who keep beards and wear turbans. But God help you if you make fun of a Sikh’s turban.

