Why shouldn’t the opposition get funding too?

By TK Chua, Free Malaysia Today

Raja Petra Kamarudin’s accusation of tycoon Robert Kouk funding DAP may be true or false. However, it is how the political elite and Malaysians in general look at this accusation that matters.

For a long time Robert Kuok did his business quietly, preferring to work behind the scenes.

For a long time, too, the Malaysian, Singaporean and Chinese governments had no problem with him. He always played the conciliatory roles to smoothen out rough edges. 

I think the problem started when he published his memoir a few months back. He explained why he moved to Hong Kong and why the systemic preferences practised in Malaysia might not work out for the country in the long run.

What he said was nothing new, but because he is a respected tycoon, it annoyed the country’s political elite who have just unwittingly admitted that the success of any Malaysian must be due to the nexus of patronage. How dare this tycoon ignore and challenge this very fundamental “operating principle”? Hence the accusation that the tycoon is funding DAP, just to get everyone rattled.

Although Lim Kit Siang has denied receiving funding from Robert Kuok, the pertinent question is why the big hoo-ha even if it was true.

Businesses funding politicians and political parties, especially those in power, is nothing new. We normally do not ask who is funding who in our political processes. Sometimes businesses bet “both ways”, just in case.

If we believe there must be robust competition in business, we must also believe in competition in politics. Is this not the essence of democracy and free society? Is this not what competition for power is all about?

If we disdain anti-competitive behaviour in business, we must also disdain anti-competitive behaviour in politics

Why harp on DAP getting funds from the tycoon even if it is true? Why can’t the opposition get its funding like the ruling parties?

I think it is only a matter of time until people begin to see the gross, unlevelled playing field in the competition for political power. Most people have a built-in sense of justice and fairness. Denying opposition parties funding is one such unfairness. Of course, there are also many others which need no mention here.

