Protesters tell Guan Eng to skip ‘buka puasa’ events

Penang chief minister’s information officer shoved and allegedly slapped during protest over claims that state government interfered in issuance of fatwas.

(FMT) – Protesters who accused Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng and his state executive council of interfering in the issuance of fatwa (religious decrees for Muslims) have told the CM not to join “buka puasa” (breaking of fast) gatherings this coming fasting month.

Jaringan Muslimin Pulau Pinang chairman Mohd Hafiz Noordin said if Lim wanted to break fast with Muslims during Ramadan, he should convert to Islam.


“We do not want a kafir (non-believer) from DAP to lead the state. We want Guan Eng to not attend buka puasa functions. (this Ramadan).

“You don’t need to buka puasa because you are anti-Islam. If you want to buka puasa, then please ‘masuk’ Islam,” Hafiz said addressing some 50 protesters outside the Simpang Enam Mosque at Macalister Road after Friday prayers today.

They held up placards denouncing Lim and the sole PAS assemblyman in Penang, Mohd Salleh Man, who is president of the Islamic Affairs Council of Penang.

The group demanded that Salleh change his seating position in the state assembly to the opposition bench since PAS had severed ties with Pakatan Harapan. Salleh is currently seated among the DAP and PKR backbenchers.

The protesters also demanded the Penang government stop interfering in the issuance of fatwa.


Hafiz said based on state exco in charge of Islamic affairs Abdul Malik Abul Kassim’s comments on the fatwa issue, it was clear that the state government was preventing fatwa from being gazetted.

However, Malik had refuted allegations that the state government interfered in fatwa matters or prevented them from being gazetted.

The interference issue was first brought up by Penang PAS Youth chief Afnan Hamimi Taib Azamudden who claimed that all fatwa of the state Fatwa Council had to get the nod of the state executive council chaired by Lim before they could be gazetted.

Afnan, a former state Fatwa Council committee member, said a fatwa only required the King’s assent and the state had no business in vetting them.

Hafiz told Lim and the state exco not to be “kurang ajar” (disrespectful) to Muslims by delaying the fatwa process.

Hafiz said once the King assents to the fatwa, the Penang government must immediately gazette it without delay.

He then told DAP members who did not understand that Islam was the official religion as per the Federal Constitution, to leave the country.

“If you cannot understand the constitution, do not stay here, do not disturb the Muslims, find another country.”

Hafiz said Muslims were tolerant of practices of other faiths and, hence, non-Muslims should stay clear off matters like fatwa.

“Respect us. When you want to walk on fire, have we disturbed you? No. You want to light up firecrackers at 12am, have we disturbed you? No.

“Then why are you disturbing our religion? Why block our fatwa?” he questioned.

The Penang government and Lim had vehemently denied any interference in the issuance of fatwa.

The peace at the protest, however, was interrupted briefly when some of the protesters began shoving the Penang Chief Minister’s Office information officer Zaidi Ahmad, who was there to observe them.

A witness claimed Zaidi was slapped by a protester.

Despite being jeered at, Zaidi kept his cool throughout. However, the unruly men forced Zaidi to move away from the protest crowd.

“He (Hafiz) kept saying fatwa were blocked, I want to ask him, which fatwa were blocked? Where is the proof? All lies!” Zaidi was heard saying after he was mobbed.

Zaidi, a former fighter pilot with a major’s rank, was court-martialled and dismissed from the Air Force for making public statements about indelible ink used in the last election. He is currently a DAP member.

Zaidi did not respond to FMT’s queries for comment when contacted at the time of writing.

Hafiz, when asked to comment on the scuffle, said it was Zaidi’s fault for provoking the members.

“Zaidi said I was lying, he provoked us.” Hafiz said.

