To be President of USA


KTemoc Konsiders

Donald Trump is basically ‘toast’ after his lewd remarks about women, and it’s a mere 2 months to election. All Hilary Clinton has to do is sit tight and let the shocked Republicans tear themselves apart, wakakaka, and come November the USA will have its first woman president.

But whether its Clinton or Trump, let me pass on the opening paragraphs of well-known Australian writer Don Watson who was commissioned to write an essay on this coming US presidential elections in 2016.

This is what Wikipedia says about Don Watson (extracts and edited because of length): Watson took his undergraduate degree at La Trobe University and a PhD at Monash University[1] and was for ten years an academic historian. He wrote three books on Australian history. For several years he wrote political speeches for the then Premier of Victoria, John Cain. In 1992 he became Prime Minister of Australia Paul Keating‘s speech-writer and adviser and his best-selling account of those years, Recollections of a Bleeding Heart: A Portrait of Paul Keating PM, won both The Age Book of the Year and non-fiction Prizes, the Courier Mail Book of the Year, the National Biography Award and the Australian Literary Studies Association’s Book of the Year. In addition to regular books, articles and essays.


