Selangor Sultan tells Islamic authorities to stay out of politics


Mohd Farhan Darwis, The Malaysian Insider

The Sultan of Selangor today reminded the state’s Islamic authorities not to get involved in any partisan political agenda and remain independent.

Speaking to staff of the Selangor Islamic Department (Jais), Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah said there were political leaders who would use Jais and Selangor Islamic Council (Mais) in exploiting issues related to Islam.

“Currently, there are some politicians who take the opportunity to exploit issues related to Islam and question actions by the Islamic institutions such as Mais and Jais as part of their political agenda,” he said during an audience with the ruler attended by Islamic department enforcement officers in Shah Alam.

“I want all parties in Mais and Jais to avoid getting involved in the political agenda of any parties,” he said.

The sultan had previously voiced his disappointment with Shah Alam MP Khalid Samad, after the latter proposed the remobal of Mais’s executive powers in the light of the Bible confiscation incident early this year.

