2013: A year of promise that never was


What’s in store for 2014? Maria J Dass examines 2013 and what the promises that we missed out on.

‘Just Say It’ by Maria J Dass

AS 2013 dawned, there was much to look forward to.

It was election year and from months before, many promises had been made and assurances given on various matters.

Effort was made to build a bridge and reach out to various communities in the country with promises that their concerns would be addresses.

What a difference a year makes.

The general elections came and went, as did the promises made.

We are now in 2014 with several price hikes incurred and with more to come.

One weekly newspaper has been suspended over a petty excuse that there was no update on the change of management relayed to the Home Ministry. And despite clarification from the media organisation that it had applied to change its categorisation as a weekly under the ‘Economy/Social’ category to ‘Current Affairs’ – for which approval was given on Sept 18, 2013 – it is still under temporary suspension.

So much for respecting press freedom.

Tell us what it is really about and if you made the mistake – fix it.

What is this? School? Even in school one does not gets a ‘temporary suspension’ for something he or she has already clarified not doing?

All this reeks of a deep rooted ‘bodoh-sombong’ (foolish snobbery) culture in the administration, where one refuses to accept defeat even when proven wrong, and instead uses the power it has to uphold a false sense of pride.

Meanwhile, at a national Christmas open house in Penang, Christians were told to give up on their case over the ‘Allah’ issue, while those in East Malaysia who had initially been told that they could carry on using the word face persecution in the form of harassment by certain authorities even when banners containing the word are put up.

So what happened to all the promises? For those who fell for it, all this is a screaming reminder – next time learn to read between the lines before you lap up sweet nothings.

It was reported that Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Abdul Wahid Omar had said that the toll rate increase was unavoidable because of the condition stated in the agreements between the government and the concession companies – that toll can be increased every five years.

Why would a government which claims to care for the people agree to such terms in the first place?

Why would you promise that rates would be kept down knowing very well that there are terms allowing increases every five years?

If the increases are justified, show us how? Show us the numbers? And stop hiding behind the Official Secrets Act as an excuse to keep mum.

So while the rest of us start the year with lighter pockets, a selected few will be laughing all the way to the bank.

Why is the public being made to pay for the ineffective management of funds that have led to so much of abuse and leakages?

We are already feeling the pinch each time we open out wallets at the supermarket checkout, and at the petrol station.

