Sanusi Junid’s son to take-on Khairy

(Bernama) – A son of former Umno secretary-general and ex- agriculture minister Sanusi Junid has announced his interest
to challenge Khairy Jamaluddin for the Umno Youth chief post in party polls in October.

Akhramsyah Sanusi Akhramsyah Muammar Ubaidah fired the first salvo of his campaign in his blog,

“(I’m) ready to begin a discussion about this contest by confirming that it has been my intention to contest the Umno Youth chief post.

“God willing, this blogger will make an official announcement soon,” said Akhramsyah who is a member of the Bendang Baru Umno branch in the Langkawi Division, Kedah.

Akhramsyah said he was offering himself to contest the post as he wanted to devote himself to the party as well as work hand in hand with friends to restore the glory of Umno Youth.

Until Akhramsyah came into the picture, no one has shown interest to challenge Khairy who helmed Umno Youth since 2009.

In the 2009 contest, Khairy, who is youth and sports minister, garnered 304 votes to beat his contenders, Dr Mohd Khir Toyo who obtained 254 votes, and Mukhriz Tun Dr Mahathir (232 votes).

Umno wings – Wanita, Youth and Puteri – will go to the polls on Oct 12.

Meanwhile almost all Umno branches eligible to hold delegates’ meetings should have completed their respective meetings by midnight yesterday.

The party gave branches from July 15 – August 31 to convene their annual meetings. This deadline was later extended to yesterday.

Umno spokesman said the exact number of Umno branches which had completed their meetings would be made available on Tuesday.

There are 20,080 Umno branches nationwide, but some had failed to meet certain conditions and were prohibited them from holding their meetings.

In KOTA KINABALU, Sabah Umno executive secretary Kadzim M. Yahya said almost all of the 5,000 Umno branches in Sabah had completed their annual delegates’ meetings even though some were postponed several times due to technical issues.

Sabah is among the states which registered the highest number of Umno members at 450,000.

