Psychopath on the loose?

Another point is that after GE13, many people in this country seem to think that using a gun is a suitable way to settle their grouses. Either that or there is one superior mastermind planning the whole thing by awaking his sleeper agents/assassins in the whole country as a form of sabotage against the nation.

Selena Tay, FMT

No one knows who is the mastermind behind the recent shooting spree. The victims are too diverse in background and location to qualify as the work of a serial killer.

In every crime case, three vital issues that need to be looked into and investigated are: motive, means and opportunity.

The killers have the means and opportunity but what about the motive? Could it be business rivalry or personal vendetta? Those who got shot seems to have no enemies but then they must have enemies unknown to them or it may be a case of mistaken identity.

Nevertheless, these killings have got to stop before the nation becomes known as a crime capital or crime hub. In our era of instant news, this news will spread instantly across the world.

“The ease with which these criminals obtain guns is a very worrying factor indeed. The police must quickly identify the source of weapons in order to cut off their supply,” said Ustaz Idris Ahmad the PAS MP for Bukit Gantang in Perak.

One has to take note that all these shootings except for the one involving the high-ranking customs officer occurred after the 13th general election which has again been won by BN.

What impression does this give of BN then? Do the criminals think that they should do everything now as Pakatan Rakyat may win the 14th general election? There is definitely something wrong somewhere when this crime wave surfaced only after GE13.

Another point is that after GE13, many people in this country seem to think that using a gun is a suitable way to settle their grouses. Either that or there is one superior mastermind planning the whole thing by awaking his sleeper agents/assassins in the whole country as a form of sabotage against the nation.

Whether the shootings are the work of individuals with personal grudges or the work of a single mastermind, the whole nation has taken a knock as people are now living in fear of being the next victim as they go about their daily errands.

This columnist though is of the view that there is an insane psychopath masterminding this mayhem and his intention is to sabotage the nation’s economy just for the thrill of it.

This psychopath character is not unusual in the genre of spy thrillers in books or in movies but this time it is happening for real in this country.

Public enemy No 1

PAS state assemblyman for Changkat Jering in Perak, Nizar Jamaluddin also opines that the shootings are the work of a psychopath.

“These shootings are planned by this psychopath for reasons best known to himself but I am worried that the government will use this as an excuse to bring back the Emergency Ordinance (EO). However I believe that our police especially the Special Branch is smart and efficient enough to nail this mastermind,” said Nizar.

Definitely this psychopath is shrewd and cunning and so far he or she has managed to outwit the police. It must be said that all psychopaths have extraordinary intelligence and are experts in planning and execution.

The police have their work cut out for them and all manner of intelligence gathering must be employed to nab the mastermind. Certainly this person intends to notch up many killings as a form of taunting the police.

He must be stopped at all cost as each successful killing will only embolden him.


