Let’s Recolor May 13 by Healing Malaysia through…


We have to change from within. We have to admit our mistakes. Many of us have erred and we must admit it. We first must forgive ourselves and then we must also forgive others. This is the time to reflect and instead of looking at what others should do, look at what we can do without expecting others to change at all. We take the first step regardless. 

Anas Zubedy 

Dear Malaysians,
We are calling you to join us in Healing Malaysia.
Since 2008, for 5 years our country has been split into extreme partisan blocs where we throw hurtful words at each other. This has wounded many hearts and the vibrancy of our peaceful society, thus we need to heal ourselves.
Let us focus our energy on putting back love, respect, and dignity in this country. To achieve this, we need your help. To heal our country, we need to work hand in hand, heart in heart.
We have to change from within. We have to admit our mistakes. Many of us have erred and we must admit it. We first must forgive ourselves and then we must also forgive others. This is the time to reflect and instead of looking at what others should do, look at what we can do without expecting others to change at all. We take the first step regardless.
Everyone starts with themselves.
What is Healing Malaysia?
The Healing campaign starts now with the groundwork until we reach Hari Merdeka. We must stop resending, sharing, reposting any hate mails, any racist remarks.
We must be strong and find the strength to ignore them. We may think we are helping by posting and sharing but in actual fact we become the very agent for those people who are spreading hate and hurtful words. By ignoring them, we have already won.

It takes some time for people to embrace the outcome of the 13th General Election, let us give ourselves room for this. This campaign period is approaching us and we need time to plan the impact we intend to achieve when the time arrives.

Read more at: http://letusaddvalue.blogspot.com/2013/05/lets-recolor-may-13-by-healing-malaysia.html 
