The Animals & Greens Party of Malaysia – Parti Hijau for Malaysia! 

I have no intention on running this party against Pakatan Rakyat and spoiling or taking voters away from their constituencies in GE14. If we could even get it registered before then, it would be a miracle, but at least we have a platform and are contributing to an emerging and much needed third force in Malaysian politic.  

The Animals & Greens Party of Malaysia 

As a third generation Malaysian who has spent many years in Australia (which I consider my second home) and travelling to a few other countries where there are Green parties, I see a lot of policies in this movement and parties that are good, and can be modified and adopted to fit with what we ‘Malaysian Greens and Animal Lovers/Rights Activists’ want.

The Australian Greens website here for example, has listed many policies and universal values that we Malaysians can relate to, even if we have never lived in Australia for any significant time:

At this point, some flags are already likely raising among those who are reading this. Especially those who have have drank the Pakatan Rakyat kool-aid, so I will settle your nerves for now. I have no intention on running this party against Pakatan Rakyat and spoiling or taking voters away from their constituencies in GE14. If we could even get it registered before then, it would be a miracle, but at least we have a platform and are contributing to an emerging and much needed third force in Malaysian politic. (Reference:

I believe that we already have a strong two party system in some ways, but both are so greedy and hungry for power, that they are not paying enough attention to the greens and animals lovers of Malaysia.

Did you notice how rarely (if not never!) both sides even talked about issues and policies surrounding this during their campaign? Both are very quick to and often fall back on pointing fingers and not mentioning what they will do, or even having the courage to admit what they have been doing wrong! Especially in this very important area of concern.

Do you seriously notice any changes and improvement to the environment and animal rights in any states? Even those under Pakatan. In fact, you can bet for sure that there are many equally dirty, corrupt and greedy/kiasu members of Pakatan out there, and proof of them being in cahoots with irresponsible developers, government officials and polluters/abusers, should be easy enough to find and see.

Lastly, we have enough green and animal rights NGOs out there already doing good-fair work, but we lack a political body that focuses on this. Those who have traveled often, would know about the various green political parties out there and even those in developing nations. Our intention in Malaysia, would obviously be to get some of the leaders and members from these respected NGOs already here, to be in our party and advocate for change and proper representation of these issues.


Are we ready for a new third force in Malaysian politics post GE13? An animal rights & greens platform? The time is now we believe. Support Parti Hijau Malaysia. Enough is enough!

Share our Facebook page and send in your feedback and messages to us there. Thank you.

