Article by a PKR volunteer 

I was a volunteer working last night for PKR. I acted as an observer then later as an ‘escort’, and I am here to tell you that it was almost impossible to smuggle in additional ballot boxes. 

I was a volunteer working last night for PKR. I acted as an observer then later as an ‘escort’, and I am here to tell you that it was almost impossible to smuggle in additional ballot boxes.

For every constituency there was a fixed number of ballot boxes. To give you an example, for my area there were 23 JDMs, 3 saluran, 1 parliament seat and 1 state seat, with a total of 138 boxes, plus additional 4 postal ballots, that would make 142 boxes. Hence if SPR dared to show us a 143th box then they must be really stupid. Even if the lawyer for the candidate did nothing the candidate himself would surely have made a big scene out of it. I mean, the candidate couldn’t be that moronic as well, right?

Of course, there might be ways to change the ballot boxes during transportation, but both candidates would have to sign a Borang 14 before delivery. Hence if the PACA forgot to retain the carbon copy and the boxes reached the counting center then he had only himself to blame. I do not know about other constituencies, but there was 1 saluran in my area who forgot to get the copy then he had to run back to the ketua to ask for one, and the KTM gave the copy to him. Furthermore, there could not be that many representatives in the entire Malaysia ‘forgetting’ to retain the copies, right? 

The KTM would then use their own cars to transport the boxes to the counting centers and they would be escorted by policem. I asked the policemen if we as the representative for the candidate could follow them, guess what I got for reply? The police actually said : “Macam in lebih baik!! We are already late for the night (there had been some disputes when counting the votes at school, plus our school was far from the counting center, when we reached there it was almost 11pm) and there will be a lot of supporters there. They may think that we are trying to cheat and may attack us. Can you please ask more Keadilan volunteers to join us? That way when there is a dispute you can help by explaining to the penyokong.” They were speeding all the way, fearing that we were the last to arrive at the counting center. I even laughed at the police for worrying too much. But when I saw on YouTube that someone actually surrounded the cars carrying the boxes I was totally speechless.

As for the power-shortage ruse, I am really pissed! It has been the same trick used in every election, didn’t they fucking know how to prepare for that? You know what happened in our area? I have been telling my counting agents to bring a torch light, just in case. Guess how many turned up with one? NONE! I don’t mean to blame them, but the team leader of our volunteers team had already spent so much money buying us food, why couldn’t he just spend another few ringgit buying the team some torch lights? Luckily our area was blessed with a functional power generator that power shortage was not a problem for us. But if they played the trick and we came unprepared then who could we blame? We have only ourselves to blame!

For the past few days I had been telling our candidate and the PA where the pitfalls might be and they had better ask DAP for advice. After all, DAP has more experience than PKR and PAS. But he told me: “Without hantu we are sure to win! Just focus on keselamatan team to watch out for hantu,”. But the thing was, the team came back with only a handful of hantu. Some Malay comrades came back reporting that the voters in Malay Kampungs were actually not as enthusiastic. Guess what our boss (a Chinese) said? “Tak apa, kita banyak support dari taman orang Cina”. The Malay comrade actually looked very worried. Later he came to tell me that there were actually many people calling him stupid, “Anwar itu janji saja, tapi Najib sudah bayar cash, bodoh yang percaya sama yang janji dari yang bagi…”

When we were busy submerging ourselves in the Ubah chant during ceramahs, had we actually stopped to think that the Ubah wind was actually not as strong among the Malays? Only after we lost do we start blaming others for a dirty election? 

There were 60000 plus votes in one constituency; had we given more attention to the Malay areas the win would have been a landslide that even the Bangla hantu would not change! To give you an example, let’s say all Chinese supported DAP, but even as little as 50% of the Malays supported BN then we would face a 50:50 tie. In this case, if we could so much as garner 1.6% or 1000 Malay votes, that would give us a 2000-vote advantage over BN which we could then use to nullify the Bangla votes. Now you tell me, have you seen any constituency with over 1000 bangla hantu?   

Lastly, I would admit that there was indeed fraud in our election system, but I would urge that we do some reflection ourselves to know what we did wrong. I would especially urge my PKR comrades to do so…..



一个区有几个票箱其实已经fix好的,好像我负责这一区,23个JDM,3个saluran,1国1州,共138箱,加postal 4个箱共142… 送到的时候,如果SPR真的那么白痴敢敢拿出第143箱,候选人的lawyer如果不做工的话,连候选人也是白痴的…

当然,半路换掉票箱不是不可能,不过送过去之前已经签好borang 14,就是双方确认算票结果,双方候选人代表会拿一个大家都签好的form,如果PACA忘记拿carbon copy,去到机票中心,赢变输,输变赢就要吃自己了,别的我不懂,我那边就一个saluran的忘记拿,还好跑回去跟Ketua拿的时候,KTM也steady给他,我不敢想象全马有几个区的人“忘记”拿…

送票箱去计票中心的时候,其实是用KTM的私家车的,然后police会escort去,然后我们问我们可以以候选人代表的身份跟尾去吗?你猜警察说什么?他说,macam ini lagi baik,因为我们晚了(因为算票的时候有点dispute,加上我们学校离总计票中心很远,大概一个小时路程,送到去大概11点多了),很多在那边的penyokong会以为我们后面加票然后打我们的,对了,你可以叫多几个Keadilan和PAS的人一起跟吗?如果我们被围攻你帮忙跟penyokong解释… 他们飙很快,怕死我们最后一个送到,到最后安全送到,我还笑那个警察多心了,结果过后看到那么多youtube video人民包围那个送票车我真的无语了…

停电的我更没话说,那么多年同一招,他妈的你们不会带手电筒啊?我这边你知道发生什么事吗?交待了几个负责算票的counting agent记得带torch light,结果猜猜看几个带来了?一个都没有!我也没怪他们,义工团team leader花了那么多钱在请我们吃饭上面,为什么不花几块钱买几支手电筒或portable lamp交给每个算票员?还好我们这里发电厂quality比较好,不会停电,不然算到一半停电被人换票能怪谁?怪自己啦!

前几天,我有跟候选人的PA反映了一些弱点,请PKR和PAS的志工向DAP取经… 论规划,论经验,DAP做得比PKR好太多太多了… 结果他说,只要没有鬼,赢定!专注在keselamat team去抓鬼好了,结果鬼就抓了那么十几个,马来志工回来feedback说马来乡村的反应有点冷淡,猜猜我们的头(华人)说什么?tak apa, kita banyak support dari taman orang cina… 我看得出当时那个马来人一脸无语… 那个马来同志有后面跟我说,很多人笑他笨,Anwar itu janji saja, tapi Najib sudah bayar cash, bodoh yang percaya sama yang janji dari yang bagi… 




