Watchdogs on foreigners’ ‘fishy behaviour’ in GE13, says PAS 

(TMI) – PAS volunteers will be at specific venues across the country to spot people, especially foreigners, who behave suspiciously and might vote on Polling Day tomorrow, party vice-president Salahuddin Ayub said today.

This comes as fears over foreigners being flown in to Peninsular Malaysia to vote as phantom voters intensified in the last few days before Election 2013 despite denials by both the Election Commission (EC) and the police.

“Since the news yesterday, we have planned a strategy to monitor, and we have sent reports to our central operation centre,” Salahuddin (picture)told The Malaysian Insider.

“We want to tell them, do not think that your movements and actions are not being watched,” he said.

According to Salahuddin, agents from PAS and also other parties in Pakatan Rakyat (PR) are on a stakeout today, helped by information from the public.

These agents are placed at various spots, including bus stations, airports and homes but Salahuddin refused to divulge more information on these agents out of concern for their own safety.

Deputy Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar said today that it is impossible for foreigners to vote in tomorrow’s polls and police will act if it happens, amid fears of widespread electoral fraud.

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