Our choices are shrinking
To what extent will we the people allow our political leaders to indulge themselves in an orgy of race, religions, nepotism and money?
We are now trying to come to terms with the fact that race, religion, nepotism and money politics are all here to stay. It is now a matter of degree.
Malaysia is no different from any other country. There is not one country free from some quirks and habits that defines their people and their politics.
We are each the product of our past, present and what we want for ourselves in the foreseeable future.
We have to live with what we have today and move forward from there together or we can do it at odds with each other.
We are now trying to come to terms with the fact that race, religion, nepotism and money politics are all here to stay. It is now a matter of degree.
To what extent will we the people allow our political leaders to indulge themselves in an orgy of race, religions, nepotism and money.
A cesspool of undeniably putrid corruption and contemptible arrogance and decadence that will even surprise Sodom and Gomorrah…or worse?
Do not expect these politicians to police themselves. That will be foolish of us. Do not expect the police to police themselves, that would be foolish too.
We must have two strong political entities – one in power, one in opposition to police each other with us hovering over them.
Remember it takes a thief to catch a thief and politicians themselves will best police other politicians, though of course if they were all to collude then we will find ourselves in a raging Sungai Pahang in the rainy season up the creek without a paddle.
This is not possible you say?
The merry go round of political musical chairs in Malaysia is only tempered when we the rakyat tell these politicians that enough is enough.
Leave the politicians to their own devices and I will be so bold as to suggest that the return of the prodigal son has more adherents within Pakatan Rakyat than within Umno. For after all “ashes to ashes…dusts to dusts: We are from the earth and to the earth we will all eventually return!”
When today is over, all will still be the same. BN will still be Umno orientated and Pakatan will still need Anwar Ibrahim to hold it together for now until DAP call in their marker and get their come uppance for helping Anwar become PM.
PAS, well PAS will try for Terengganu and be happy with that as hudud in Kelantan and Terengganu will be less messy and cumbersome than anywhere else. It’s more manageable there!
The clock then strikes midnight and all will be well for Malaysia until the morning brings new light to an old problem that will most probably not go away from our lives, not now, not tomorrow, not after the 13th GE. Perhaps never!
The mother crab cannot ask her children to walk straight.