‘Lim is not a Chinese champion’

A former DAP branch leader slams Penang chief minister saying that the Chinese community should not be hoodwinked into labelling Lim Guan Eng as the “Chinese champion”.

Athi Shankar, FMT

The Malaysian Chinese community needs to clear the misconception that DAP secretary general Lim Guan Eng is the community’s “champion” protecting their interests and rights, a former Selangor DAP branch leader charged today.

Former DAP Taman Seri Sungai Pelek branch chairman Tan Tuan Tat alleged that Lim was, in fact, a true champion of capitalists’ interests but masquerading as someone who had the peoples interest at heart.

He said the Chinese community should not be carried away with Lim’s Chinese opera stage performance that deceived their eyes.

Tan said if one were to scrutinise his five-year performance as Penang Chief Minister, Lim had not championed ordinary Chinese rights as he potrayed.

For instance, he claimed Lim had transferred his son from a Chinese school to a national secondary school.

“If he was a champion of Chinese education, why he did it?” Tan asked a rally held by disgruntled ex-DAP members in Jelutong here on Friday night.

Other speakers were former DAP vice chairman and ex-Senator Tunku Abdul Aziz Ibrahim, former Pantai Sepang branch leader R Vellasamy and former Serdang life member DAP Yap Kon Min.

Tan claimed that since Lim helmed the Pakatan Rakyat state government, the DAP leader only facilitated development of high cost houses.

He said these homes were beyond the reach of even the economically vibrant local Chinese, let alone others.

Tan blamed Lim’s drastic policy to hike up various development-related charges as the main cause for property prices to soar to an extraordinary level in Penang today.

Tan alleged Lim had also allowed developers to build only houses worth RM1 million each in so-called prime areas across Penang.

But, Tan noted Lim had not commenced a single project to build affordable homes for the lower income group anywhere in the city.

He claimed that currently only rich foreigners can buy properties in Penang while developers were laughing all the way to the bank, thanks to Lim’s pro-rich policies.

Tan said Lim’s pro-capitalist stance had violated basic citizenry right and deprived locals from buying homes in their birthplace.

“Lim did not safeguard the peoples rights. He was once DAP socialist youth leader but today he champion’s the capitalist cause. Chinese community should right their wrong conception on Lim,” urged Tan.


