Dr M: Umno is original Malay party

Umno is the sole Malay-only party in the country.

(Bernama) – Only Umno can unite the Malays in the country and bring development to the people, former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad has said.

He said this is because Umno fought for independence of the country and brought development while the other Malay parties are only splinter parties.

“When we were strong, we never did bad things but build the country up to world class level. This is due to the Barisan Nasional administration led by Umno which represents the Malays.

“The Malays never had bad intention towards the non-Malays. We helped them and we helped ourselves,” he told reporters after presenting Ramadan and Aidilfitri gifts at Masjid Tok Bandar here yesterday.

Also present were his wife, Tun Dr Siti Hasmah Mohd Ali, Deputy Minister of International Trade and Industry Datuk Mukhriz Mahathir, Kedah Umno liaison chairman, Datuk Ahmad Bashah Md Hanipah and Baling BN parliamentary co-ordinator Datuk Abdul Azeez Abdul Rahim.

Dr Mahathir said that the Malays must unite under Umno although the party was deemed not so strong because of a split among the community.

“For unity to happen, the splinter parties will have rejoin the original party. Some people aims to be prime minister and is willing to split Umno for his own interest.”

He said that Umno’s struggle is the right one and this was why he accepted the return of leaders who quit Umno for splinter parties.

