Pakatan MPs fall silent after PAS man’s contradictory stance

(THE STAR) – Pakatan Rakyat MPs were stunned when PAS MP for Hulu Langat Dr Che Rosli Che Mat interrupted a debate in Parliament by PKR MP for Batu Tian Chua on the Lynas Advanced Materials Plant, pointing out that the external radiation from the plant was low and safe.

He said that as a nuclear scientist, he knew the radiation from rare earth material was well below the permissible level.

His statement contradicted that of Tian Chua, who had claimed that the Parliamentary Select Committee (PSC) report on Lynas had failed to reveal the risks of allowing the plant to operate in Gebeng, Kuantan.

“However, views on other matters such as management of residue, I leave it to other experts,” said Dr Che Rosli.

Several Opposition MPs, who had stood up to criticise the PSC’s report on Lynas, fell silent.

Tian Chua continued, questioning the 12-year tax exemption granted to Lynas.

Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan (BN-Kota Belud) said Tian Chua’s criticism were all based on imagination and not facts.

International Trade and Industry Minister Datuk Seri Mustapa Mohamed explained that Lynas was given the 12-year tax break because it was a strategic industry.

Meanwhile, various anti-Lynas groups have rejected the PSC report, saying it did not address key issues.

Save Malaysia, Stop Lynas chairman Tan Bun Teet said the recommendation by the PSC was not binding on Lynas before being given the temporary operating licence.

The Stop Lynas Coalition also said the panel did not address the issue of waste disposal. It planned to hold another demonstration in Gebeng over the weekend.

