S’gor comes to rescue of Unisel students

The state government says it will raise RM30 million by liquidating some of its assets to help fund students whose PTPTN loans have been frozen. 

(FMT) – The Selangor government announced today that it will liquidate assets worth about RM30 million in order to help students in Universiti Selangor (Unisel) whose PTPTN (National Higher Education Fund Corporation) loans have been frozen.

“The Selangor government views with concern the difficulty faced by the new students of Unisel who have been victimised following the actions of the federal government and Higher Education Minister to freeze their PTPTN loans,” Menteri Besar Khalid Ibrahim said in a statement sent out this evening.

Khalid said that as a short-term solution, Unisel will be utilising its assets – namely land – to help those who are having difficulties continuing their studies.

“This asset refers to a 500-acre property that was obtained through the debt restructure with Talam (Corp Bhd),” he said.

“The state government will assist Unisel by floating this property in the market for cash. It is estimated that RM30 million can be obtained through this exercise.”

Khalid said that a portion of the RM30 million will be used to help the students.

However, he stressed that this was not a permanent solution.

“This financial aid is temporary until a concrete solution is reached,” he said.

Khalid also voiced his disappointment with the federal government, especially Higher Education Minister Khaled Nordin, who has admitted to have ordered the freezing of PTPTN loans for Unisel.

“Such irresponsible behaviour that goes against the spirit of federalism not only victimises these new students but have also disappointed the parents who put high hopes in their children.”

Khalid said that Barisan Nasional has made the Unisel students and their parents, many of them Malays, the victims purely based on differences in political ideologies of the state and federal governments.

“This clearly shows that BN is willing to do anything in its narrow-minded political ways even at the expense of our young children of this nation.”

