Najib knows not what he does!
I have no doubt that we have the numbers to put Pakatan Rakyat into government. UMNO and Barisan Nasional are now in a free fall. All that we have thought Najib to be he is proving us to be right. In our eyes the most humbling of all for him is his inability to make his wife understand that he is the Prime Minister – not her!
He has dealt with the problems and issues that besets him in the only way he knows, run away or use the sanctuary of his office to keep himself hidden and untouchable from the possible repercussions of his deeds.
Altantuya and Saiful are two instances of his cowardice. In both situation he is quick to involve himself at the first opportunity. With Altantuya there would be no Razak Baginda without Najib Razak’s connivance! And without Najibs connivance in giving Razak Baginda that hideously profitable submarine contract there would not have been a Razak Baginda Altantuya liaison – a liaison that led to her death!
With Saiful he took it upon himself to meet and discuss with Saiful before the fact. After the fact he was quick to deny his involvement in same until confronted by irrefutable evidence. Does he think us stupid enough to not be able to put two and two together? By all means he might win in court against DSAI but this deed of his will be remembered by the people when they cast their votes at the 13th general elections.
Some would see his shenanigans in Perak as a mastery act to bring Perak back into Barisan Naasional fold. Many would see it as an act of arrogance by Najib in ignoring the wishes of the people of Perak who had already voted for a Pakatan Rakyat state government. Najib’s use of money and Royalty to further his end only proves a point: That the Sultan of Perak can be bought notwithstanding his previous judicial pedigree. Everyone has his price –some cheaper then others!
Najib being Najib at the recent UMNO general assembly was his pièce de résistance, the crème de la crème of Najib at his best or his worst – depending on how you would want to see him! It was Najib in full flight, full of himself and his self importance in an assembly in which he was the alpha male! In the land of the blind the one eyed is king.
In this assembly Najib by virtue of being its president, had no equal. Just as Pak Lah had no equal in the general assembly that he attended when he was President of UMNO. When he could have raised to the occasion and made the assembly to be a memorable one for UMNO and for the country he chose to go the easy route of race and religion. Blaming the Chinese for the deplorable economic situation of the Malays and the Christians for the supposed danger that Islam now faces in Malaysia. No serious discussions on what was needed to bring the Malays and the country to the level aspired – only the apportion of blame to the Chinese and the Christians for non existent threats.
All this would have been laughable had it not been for the self centered seriousness by which the UMNO faithful chose to take these ‘threats’. Echoing Najibs clarion but empty calls to be ready for God knows what, the UMNO faithful managed to work themselves into a frenzy of empty rhetoric’s and promises to the Chinese and the Christian’s that the day for retribution is nigh! A comical general assembly indeed had it not been for UMNO’s ability to deliver what retribution they promise upon the Chinese and the Christians if they chose to do so. So far nothing yet but all it would take is for Najib to rouse them from their slumber and all hell could break lose! Another May 13th is a distinct possibility!