Despite ‘lazy’ leaders, MCA believes BN can retake Selangor

(The Malaysian Insider) – Conceding today that some MCA leaders in Selangor were “lazy”, Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek believed there was still time to put in the work and win back support from voters in the state.

The MCA president was commenting on a recent report in The Malaysian Insider about the party’s lacklustre leadership in Selangor, in which one party leader predicted a total wipe-out for MCA in the frontline state.

Local MCA leaders had told The Malaysian Insider that while Umno may be brimming with confidence that it can recapture Selangor in the next elections, there are fears that a lethargic MCA could lose the game for the coalition.

They also pointed the finger at Selangor MCA chief Datuk Donald Lim for the party’s sluggish state in Selangor.

“Some of them may be lazy, but saying MCA has not done any work is not true,” Dr Chua told reporters today when asked about the report.

“MCA in Selangor works like normal. Maybe it is not enough and must increase.

“Some of them work very hard; some only talk a lot. I know who they are. As a president who always goes to the field, I know who works and who does not,” he added.

When asked if any disciplinary action would be taken against these leaders, Dr Chua said it was up to the people to decide.

“In politics, disciplinary action is election results,” he said.


