Why Does No One Ask Saiful To Identify The Owners Of All the Strange DNA in His Rectum?
By batsman
After all it is his very own personal rectum. No one uses it more than he does. More than anyone else, he should know the identities of the owners of all the strange DNA found in his rectum. No one else can know better.
Yet there is incredible speculation in the media. Every person who speculated wants his own opinion to be accepted so no one bothers to ask Saiful. It is trial by media. Worse, there are even shameful public demonstrations on the issue now conducted (among the many) of all people by Single Moms club. Sheesh! Trial by media by Single Moms. I should think most males would flee and hide. It does not always have to be the man’s fault. Heeheehee
Even PAS’s silence on the issue is manipulated in the media to try and conclude that PAS thinks DSAI is guilty and is therefore silent on the issue. What if on the other hand PAS comes out to say that it thinks DSAI is innocent? Will people believe PAS? Will DSAI then be discharged? What a dirty media we have and the Malaysian justice system has allowed a trial by media.
Well I hope the trial by media and the silly speculations will end if Saiful is unable to identify all the owners of the strange DNA found in his rectum. If he is unable to identify the owners of all the strange DNA, doesn’t it mean that the DNA evidence has been contaminated and corrupted? Does it not mean that the DNA evidence is no longer reliable?
After all equal emphasis should be placed on the accuser as well as the accused. So far, the pressure is only on the accused. In natural justice, a false accuser is worse. So why is the pressure off the accuser and focused purely on the accused? Has the accused already been condemned as guilty even before the court makes a decision?
Since it is trial by media – what does the jury of the people think?