RPK: Freedom of speech cuts both ways

(The Star) – Fugitive blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin has hit out at the Opposition for condemning those who criticise them as traitors.

He said criticism in the name of freedom of speech should work both ways, and not just targeted at the Government.

He said many within the Opposition did not seem to understand this.

“To them, freedom of speech or to express their opinions merely means freedom to criticise the Government,” Raja Petra wrote in his latest blog posting “The Opposition’s Understanding of Freedom of Speech”.

He said those who disagreed with the Opposition were accused of “treachery” or being “a traitor to the cause”.

Elaborating, the blogger popularly known as RPK said those who expressed unfavourable opinions about the Opposition were regarded as a “trojan horse”, Government agent or somebody who was paid to sabotage them.

“The Opposition supporters have to grow up. They have to be mature and understand that freedom cuts both ways,” he said.

He questioned the Opposition’s thinking that any criticism directed at them was based on ulterior motives and not freedom of speech.

“This is a very primitive and immature thinking of many within the Opposition – some leaders included.

“You cannot ask for freedom to criticise the Government but do not wish anyone to criticise you. This is not what freedom of speech is all about,” he said.

Raja Petra said he had criticised not just the Government but the Opposition, too.

“Because of that, I’m seen as a traitor and not a friend of the Opposition.”

