YB Salahudin Ayob: AG Gani Patail Is A Bajingan!
By Din Merican
It seems that the Rosli Dahlan Case will not end. It will not end because the Prosecution had immediately announced that they will appeal. It will not end because Attorney-General Tan Sri Gani Patail is vindictive towards Rosli. It will not end because AG Gani Patail believes he has all the powers to make life miserable for Rosli.
It will not end because AG Patail has an unfettered discretion under Article 145(3) of the Federal Constitution to target any innocent citizen to endless criminal proceedings just by appealing against whatever decision by the courts. That is how contemptuous AG Gani Patail treats the courts.

It seems that the Rosli Dahlan Case will not end. It will not end because the Prosecution had immediately announced that they will appeal. It will not end because Attorney-General Tan Sri Gani Patail is vindictive towards Rosli.
A-G Gani Patail is appealing against the verdict on December 20, pronounced by Judge Abu Bakar Katar to acquit Rosli without calling for his defence. The Judge had found that the MACC’s case built by DPP Kevin Morais against Rosli was unfounded. The MACC Chief Commissioner has disavowed himself from Rosli’s case and the appeal.
So, it is now clear that it is A-G Gani Patail who wants to keep Rosli chained? Why is that so? Gani did not want to release Rosli during last Ramadan and Aidilfitri. Now that Santa has brought some relief for Rosli as a Christmas present, A-G Gani wants to spoil the Christmas mood of being charitable.
Read more at: http://dinmerican.wordpress.com/2010/12/24/yb-salahudin-ayob-ag-gani-patail-is-a-bajingan/