Mr. Prime Minister: Purge The Rogue Elements In Our Government!
Din Merican
The Rosli Dahlan’s case is over, so many of us will say – let’s move on? But the fact is that the case is not over. The DPPs have announced that the Prosecution will appeal. I am not sure whether the “Prosecution” refers to the Attorney- General, Tan Sri Gani Patail, or the MACC Chief Commissioner, Dato Seri Abu Kassim.
If that is the decision of the MACC, then it did not make sense that Tan Sri Robert Phang had announced some weeks back that Abu Kassim had wanted the charge against Rosli to be withdrawn but A-G Gani Patail disagreed. The A-G’s reluctance did not make sense because, in the end, the MACC’s reputation took a beating when Judge Abu Bakar Katar announced a 4-0 victory for Rosli. Two of the Judge’s findings were on principles of law and two were on findings of fact. That’s a really bad beating and the MACC earned a bad name because of the A-G. A proverbial black eye for the MACC after Gani Patail’s role in Anwar Ibrahim’s Black Eye incident!
If the decision to appeal was by A-G Gani Patail, it made worse sense. The immediate announcement by DPP Dzulqarnain that there will be an appeal suggested that the A-G’s decision to appeal against Rosli was made even before the verdict was pronounced. This means A-G Gani is vindictive and has a personal agenda to pursue against Rosli. This means the A-G is abusing the powers vested in him under Article 145(3) of the Federal Constitution.
I have also noted that while the mainstream media did report Rosli’s acquittal, not a mention was made of his Thank You speech which was more than just the normal thank you. I reproduce that speech again:
Alhamdulillah, Praise be to The Lord, The Compassionate, The Merciful.
By His Grace, justice is done today. It has been a long wait for me to seek self vindication – 3 long years to be exact. While some consider it as an irony of fate, I have no hesitation in saying that it is man’s doing that I was charged first before the principal suspect was charged. And that I am only acquitted long after the principal suspect had been acquitted.
For that, I apologise to my wife and children for putting them through this period of deep shame and disgrace, for which they have never complained but stood steadfastly by me. It was agonizing for my immediate and extended family that the mainstream media had portrayed me as a dishonest lawyer who had hid assets belonging to a crooked senior police officer.

Rosli apologises to his wife and children for putting them through this period of deep shame and disgrace, for which they have never complained but stood steadfastly by him
The mainstream media had been unfair to me by sensationalizing adverse unverified stories against me and then failing to report facts favorable to me. Their actions amounted to conspiratory conduct with, what I consider, rogue elements in the government. The mainstream media should realize that their survival depends on the credibility of the news they carry. Thus, they owe a duty for fair and accurate reporting and not to be a medium of propaganda for any agenda.
I thank the Learned Judge Tuan Abu Bakar Katar for delivering justice, as it should be, and in showing that the bench at the subordinate courts is anything but subordinate. Today’s decision affirms the assurance by the Chief Justice that the Judiciary is independent, and it should remain so.
I thank my counsels Dato’ C Vijaya Kumar, Dato’ K Kumaraendran and Mr Chetan Jethwani for so ably defending me and beyond that have become my confidante and my source of strength.
I thank my family, my close friends, the Mosque Committees of my neighborhood, the Ustazs and the Alims who continuously made doa’ for me that gave me much solace during these difficult times.
I thank the Partners of my law firm for their full confidence that gave me the courage and dignity to stand by what I believe to be the right thing for me to do as a professional and ethical practitioner. And I thank them for posting my bail.
I thank all the supporters of justice out there who had tirelessly brought forth to the public’s attention the injustice of the case made out against me. At some point I began to wonder if my case would be jeopardized because of the things that were written by the alternative media. But, since the intentions seemed sincere enough, I would like to acknowledge that.
On a personal level, I can now appreciate the public’s perception of oppressive laws where those vested with authority over us blatantly manipulate their powers to achieve a certain objective. I fully subscribe to the principles of civil liberties that we, as Malaysians, must remain vigilant against elements that can turn this country from one governed by the Rule of Law to one that is enslaved by the Rule by Law. ”
I have highlighted the strongest parts of Rosli’s speech which reflected my own thinking and purpose for reporting this matter. And let me be very clear, it is not about Rosli. It is about the principles of truth and justice and the lessons we must learn. Foremost is that we, as Malaysians, can no longer trust the guardians of our institutions. We can no longer trust men like Gani Patail and Kevin Morais, and many more like them who helm government institutions. Men who would dishonor their pledge of office. Men whose actions would be of discredit to the country and erode our fundamental liberties. Men who would bring us down the slippery slopes of a failed state.