Buddhism is King Kong religion, says convert ustaz

Pix: Ann Wan Seng is a member of the Perkim national council
By Sharifuddin A. Latiff
What is with these Chinamen who convert to Islam in Malaysia?!
One of the most well-known Muslim missionaries (pendakwah) is Ann Wan Seng, who’s a prolific speaker in Malay — like you-know-who.
Above is a screenshot of the Perkim website organization chart. The Perkim chairman is Mahathir, by the way.
But watch the video! (below)
Beginning 2:30 Ann Wan Seng explains that the Chinese practise various strains of Buddhism.
At 3:00, Ann says:
Bukan sekadar orang Cina menyembah agama Buddha. Mereka juga sembah berbagai dewa dan juga dewi. Mereka sembah Tua Pek Kong, mereka sembah Pau Kong, mereka sembah Datuk Kong dan barangkali mereka juga sembah King Kong (audience snickers).
Maka jadilah agama dia agama Kong Kali Kong.
Dan inilah keadaan yang sedia wujud itu (speaker laughs) di mana orang Cina sembah patung-patung ini kerana mereka yakin dan juga mereka percaya bahawa patung ini boleh mendatangkan kebaikan kepada mereka, boleh mendatangkan kesejahteraan kepada mereka, boleh memberikan keselamatan malahan boleh menjadikan mereka ini kaya-raya.
Ann is wrong to conflate Buddhist teachings with the worship of Taoist deities. Even I know this. It just goes to show how shallow the knowledge of these Muslim preachers are. Spreading such ignorance and denigrating other religions is just as bad as BTN propaganda.
The YouTube video is three years old but it has only came to light and to the attention of the wider audience after the brouhaha created by blogger Mahaguru58. The president of the Muslim bloggers network Zainol Abideen made his police report against a Christian preacher whom he accused of insulting Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. six years ago.
In a tit-for-tat, the other side of blogosphere similarly highlighted this video to show that it is both sides doing the insulting.
However, only one side is making the police reports and the death threats.
The authorities are also one-sided in their warnings against perpetrators. Take for example the NFA against the two school principals who not only made racial taunts but were also religiously motivated in their actions.
And Malaysia wants to lecture the rest of the world on religious tolerance? Bah, humbug.
Watch video at: http://hartalmsm.wordpress.com/2010/10/06/buddhism-is-king-kong-religion-says-convert-ustaz/