Poor and Stupid
All 3rd World Governments want their Citizens to be Poor and Stupid. That way, it is easy to control them. Throw in the concept of God, and the mix becomes even more powerful. In the world of the Blind, the One-Eyed is King. With that simple idea in mind, it is not difficult then to understand how much easier it is to keep Citizens poor and stupid, than to educate everyone and then having to advance oneself.
By John Doe
Take Singapore for example. Almost every Tom, Dick and Harry has a basic degree of sorts. Many Have Masters in something. And if you look at their Ministers, so many are “Doctorates-Galore”. Compare this to Malaysia. Many are Form 5 dropouts. And the Ministers only need a basic Degree to “overshadow” the populace. So, the more stupid and poor the Malays are, the easier it is to control them. Throw in the fluff and pomp, and you now have a really “dum-dum” populace who literally eat right out of your hand.
It is now so easy to compare Malaysia with Nicaragua, Burma, Kenya, Iraq, Iran and so on, that you will find that the Majority of their population is equally stupid and poor. But these countries might seem like just foreign names to the average Malaysian. Why? Because few have even ventured beyond their own shores (shopping in Singapore does not count). A vast majority of Malays have never left their kampong and so, just visiting the phallic KLCC is a BIG THING!! Froggie-under-Coconut immediately comes to mind.
“Work-Morning-Eat-Morning, Work Evening-Eat-Evening” is exactly what the UMNO wants the majority to do. Then, they will collect money from you for Allah (called zakat), of which millions disappear without anyone ever questioning why. How many Malaysian Muslims have ever enquired how much it costs for other Nationalities to perform the Haj? Why does it always cost more when from Malaysia? “Once in a Lifetime, so never mind” is the common “Self-Delusion” which Malaysian Haj devotees tell themselves. “UMNO cannot be cheating us if it is religion-related, right?” You wanna bet?
But isn’t betting illegal in Malaysia? Well, apparently not any longer!! Vincent Tan just realized that all his illegal gambling AND legal gambling was costing him too much in terms of having to pay the Police under-table money. And that it was far easier, cheaper and less of a headache if he comes out in the open and legalizes all of it. Yeah, many of us are fully aware of the hundreds of (previously) illegal gambling dens which Vincent owns. Few in the general public are aware of this but this is actually common knowledge to many rich hard-core gamblers. I am digressing, but this is yet another example of stupid people not being able to see what can plainly be seen.
So one might say “advance oneself”, right? Well, how would one do that if the kampong folk (and also older non-kampong people) are afraid of computers and many other modern facilities? The world is advancing at an exponential rate which scares many older folks anyway. And if their kids, and grand-kids, are so accustomed to measuring time according to the speeds of Waiting-for-Paddy-to-ripen, then how do you explain to them that one needs to work 365 days a year, and NOT just work 2 months and rest for 10?
So I started out calling Malaysians Poor and Stupid. However, I was using “City Definitions” of that terminology. Given a severe Financial Crisis, it is actually the City Folk who will collapse. The “Stupid and Poor” paddy planters have enough to eat, and enough farm animals to masak. In fact, even if one completely removes the element of Money from them, they would not be too bad. I take cues from all the extensive work I have done with the Orang Aslis. They pretty much have ZERO concept of money. Yet, they survive very well. And if we put a “City-Bugger” into the Jungle with only a knife, they would probably die the very first day. If tigers, snakes or rampaging boars do not kill you, perhaps Malaria, Dengue and other creepie-crawlies might. Not to mention the lack of skill to hunt for food or to build adequate shelter from the elements.
But, jolting back to “City-Bugger reality”. The fact remains, 64 Schools in Malaysia still lack electricity and/or water. This Ketuanan Country simply has no desire to advance her Citizens. Why? The more uneducated Citizens there are, the easier it is to fish out $100million to “entice” them to vote for BN. Each time there is a Buy-Election, we see this happen. And we see it happening all over again in Sibu!! Shouldn’t Malaysians be asking, why is all this money (and cows and goats too) ONLY given out DURING an election? Isn’t it the responsibility of the Government to be doing this on a REGULAR basis? Instead, the only regular thing are all the ultra-rich UMNOputras diligently siphoning out all the money for half a century, which no Malaysian even noticed. And taking no action simply means that either you condone, support, have NO BALLS, or are simply closing your eyes, hoping that it will all go away. UMNO likes that. That way, they get to stay in Power. And they will, for the longest time, as long as no one has the guts to squeak.
And if staying quiet is all Malaysians do, then you are no different from being poor and stupid. I look forward to the day Malaysia becomes another Burma, just so that I can look at you all and say, “I told you so”. Ignorance is bliss. Perhaps, but if this country is being screwed left, right and centre, then perhaps this blissfulness needs to come to an end.